React Native

Are you ready to become a top-notch mobile developer with React Native? At Tech Consulting Academy, we offer a comprehensive bootcamp designed to equip you with the skills and expertise needed to excel in cross-platform mobile development.

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What You'll Learn

Our Office 365 bootcamp covers essential topics to help you harness the power of Microsoft's productivity suite:

  • React and JavaScript Fundamentals

    Master React Native and JavaScript, fundamentals of React Native i.e state, props, jsx, core components and much more

  • React Native Components

    Learn to build interactive UI, custom components, and master using 3rd party libraries to build user-friendly and interactive interfaces

  • Navigation and Routing

    Implement navigation and routing with React Navigation for seamless user experiences.

  • State Management

    Understand state management using Redux, Zustand or Context API to manage application state and supporting middlewares like Saga, Thunk and RTK Query.

  • API Integration

    Integrate RESTful APIs and handle asynchronous data fetching with Axios, API Sauce or Fetch.

  • Deployment and Testing

    Deploy React Native apps to iOS and Android platforms and perform testing using tools like Jest, React Testing Library and Detox.

Launch Your Mobile Development Career Today

Apply Now to Learn More about our React Native Program and start your journey towards becoming a skilled mobile developer with React Native. Gain the knowledge, skills, and confidence to build innovative mobile applications that resonate with users.

Unlock the potential of React Native development. Let's create the next generation of mobile experiences together!

Empower. Collaborate. Achieve. Your React Native journey begins here.

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